Friday, 24 December 2010

NHS Couch to 5k - Day 1.

I have down loaded a podcast of the NHS C25K it is a nine week program to help me get from a couch potato to running 5km without dying. Because of the weather I am only running on the treadmill at the gym at the moment, cold weather not good for the old asthma don't ya know.
I can't believe its been four days since my last workout, time flies don't it?
After a 5 min walk at 5kph to warm up I alternated 60 sec's of jogging and 90 sec's of walking then a 5 min cool down to finish.

Time 30 mins
Dist 2.7 km
AvSp 5 kph
AvHr 125 Bpm

I felt that I could/should do more than that so I carried on until...

Time 52 mins
Cals 320
Dist 4.2 km
AvSp 5 kph
AvHr  120 Bpm

At the end of the pod cast it said to have a rest day between work outs, anyone know why that is?

Monday, 20 December 2010

Damned snow.

No gym again today because I am working late and won't be home in time. We have two people on leave and another who is snowed in. So that leaves the night shift with 50% of their team off. I just hope that there are no MSO's or CSO's tonight. I hope things will have changed by tomorrow night I want to go to the gym. I am tired already. 20 minute power nap coming up on the comfy sofa. Mmmm Zzzzz.

Sunday, 19 December 2010

'IN THE ZONE' dudes...

I had a good workout today after the restday yesterday. I discovered a setting on the treadmill called 'Time in Zone' which let's you know how much time you have spent exercising in your target heartrate zone. I suppose it is better to use that setting rather than time or distance run. Today's stats.
Time 48.09 mins
Cals 312
Dist 4.10 km
AvSp 5.11 kph
AvHr 116 Bpm

I did warm up for about three mins but I forgot to cool down after, hence the lower total time and distance. I went into the BBB for a couple of lattes and a warm up when I got home. They have a lovely open fire and a pretty little Xmas scene at the back of the shop. One of my fab places to unwind. Have a good day y'all, see ya.

Saturday, 18 December 2010


I was supposed to go to the gym this morning and then have lunch with my Fam at my favourite Chinese restaurant for Dim Sum this afternoon. Unfortunately the weather is against me today. There was about three inches of snow last night and it is still coming down.

It does make everywhere look clean and pretty, but the main roads are gridlocked and the side roads are treacherous.
I live in a little town in southeast London that has higher ground to the east, south and west, so whenever we have snow buses and lorries get stuck going up the hills.

I did braved the weather just enough to trudge up to the supermarket and back, but that is it. I'll be resting for the rest of the day watching movies by the fire and sipping the odd glass of Bailey's.
So, stay wrapped up warm everyone and please, please be super careful if you're driving, it's dangerous out there. Hasta maƱana.

Friday, 17 December 2010

A sleepy start but a good finish.

If you follow me on Twitter you will already know that I had an awfully hard time trying to wake up this morning.
To elaborate, I had set my alarm for six thirty and had intended on getting up, packing my gym bag, going for a coffee in the BBB (Blackbird Bakery) then going for a workout and a sauna.
"The best laid schemes o' Mice an' Men, Gang aft agley" as the great bard once said. The snooze button was pressed at least twice before I managed to swing my great bulk out of my pit.
I did proceed to the BBB and quaffed two lattes and devoured a sausage roll, not your common and garden variety either, but a free range pig, Apricot and herb sausage roll, lovingly heated to perfection in the microwave oven, before leaving for the gym feeling quite replete and chipper.

I had a good workout today, back on familiar machines after last night at ED. Tried a new technique as well. After inputting my age and weight into the treadmills computer, it said that my 114Bpm was 60% of my max heart rate. As long as I kept above that I was supposed to be in the 'Fat Burn Zone'. I set the speed to 5kph and started walking. After a short warm up I jogged until the target HR was reached. I continued this jog/walk at 5kph, keeping the HR >114Bpm until I had completed 4km, then did a 10 min cool down at 4kph.

Todays stats.

Time 55 mins
Cals 339
Dist 4.38 km
AvSp 4.78 kph
AvHr 119 Bpm

I felt pretty good after the WO and with the new technique, because there was more walking than running, I didn't have the normal shin pain to contend with.

I went to the spa after the gym and relaxed in the sauna for half an hour, with a couple of short breaks for a sprint around the cold shower. Hells Teeth!! it is bloody cold as well, gets the heart and the lungs going though, although it doesn't look very macho turning in ever decreasing circles, screaming like a bitch.

I had a surprise when I returned to my car though.

Thursday, 16 December 2010

Don't listen to the demons.

From earlier today my post to twitter at around four this arvo.
I am in a quandary and fighting my inner demons. The new me is saying go to the gym even though you are tired you can still do something.
The inner demons are saying, Don't go to the gym, it's ok to have a rest, you don't want to wear yourself out. Have a night off.
Maybe a 40 minute power nap on the comfy sofa will help decide. Mmmmmmm Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

You may be pleased to know that I didn't listen to my inner demon and I did go to the gym.
It wasn't the hardest or easiest of workouts. Just 45'ish mins on the treadmill. The roads were gridlocked when I left work and I gave a mate a lift home because his car is in the shop, so got to the gym quite late. Here's the stats.
Time 50 mins
Cals 280
Dist 4.22 km
AvSp 4.8 kph
AvHr 110 Bpm

I am really looking forward to a shower and bed now. Until tomorrow. Goodnight.

Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Myth busted (2)

I don't know what's going on. I am so confused. I did everything I normally do; had a strong coffee, took my puffer before warm up etc and my performance today was more or less the same as Monday.
Time 50.25 mins
Cals 275
Dist 4.03 km
AvSp 4.8 kph
AvHr 103 Bpm
I ran my arse off tonight and I just couldn't get my HR up.
Life lesson (1)
Some days are good. Some days are not so good.
On the not so good days don't get down hearted, because tomorrow could be a lot better.
Keep an open mind and just see what happens and deal with it when it happens.

Oh well tomorrow is another day. Good night.

...but of course you have to eat healthy too.

I must be getting conscientious in my old age. Not my normal kebab, sarnies from the garage or eat all you can buffet for me today. Oh no I brought some whole meal pasta and fresh asparagus to work today and cooked it up with a little carbonara sauce in the microwave. Very nice it was too.
Besides the local paper said that council health officials had found a dead, rotting rat at the local eat all you can buffet. Kinda put me off a bit that, not being a prisoner of war and all.
I have my gym bag packed and in the boot of my car, so am looking forward to going after work tonight. Come back later to view the stats. See ya.

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Myth busted

As I said yesterday, Mr. Training, some bloke at the gym, who said that the best way to improve fitness was to alternate running for one minute then walking for a minute, was going to have his theory busted. Today's results prove that my method is better.

Time 51.05 mins
Cals 365
Dist 4.24 km
AvSp 4.99 kph
AvHr 119 Bpm

It was much more enjoyable workout today, despite having a sore throat (Thanks for sharing that Nobby). Today I set the treadmill to manual and concentrated on keeping my HR over 120Bpm. I took the speed up to 6kph until peaking at 140+Bpm then reduced the speed to 3kph until HR recovered to about 113-114Bpm. I continued this until I had completed 45 mins. The results speak for themselves. Cals burned, average speed, total distance and average heart rate are all better than yesterday. I am not quite a Haile Gebrselassie yet but to improve by small steps every day is all that I am aiming for. Slowly slowly catchy monkey as they say. I don't know who THEY are, but they say it ok. I didn't have time to go in the sauna after as the session was ending, so I drove to my local Sainsburys and bought some cooked chicken on a skewer and a protein shake. I have just consumed them and am at present relaxing in Starbucks coffee shop with a double espresso whilst I compose this missive. I hope that y'all are having as nice a day as me. Until tomorrow then. Good wishes and good-bye.

Monday, 13 December 2010

Back in the gym and lovin' it.

Time 52.23 mins
Cals 283
Dist 4.03km
AvSp 4.62kph
AvHr 101bpm

Cross Trainer
Time 18.06 mins
Cals 163
Dist 2km
AvSp 6.64kph
AvHr 114bpm

So much for listening to some bloke at the gym who been training for, and I quote, "30 years" and running/jogging for a minute and then walking for a minute. My stats have been rubbish since I started that. So tomorrow it is back to the old regime of setting the HR to 120bpm and speed to 5.5kph because that is how I have had better results. The pains in my arms and chest have gone now so it's back on the weights again tomorrow as well.

Saturday, 11 December 2010

Rest Days

The flesh is willing but the spirit is weak. I didn't get home from work until just after seven and when I got to my local gym it wasclosed. It shuts at 6pm at the weekend. The next nearest gym shuts at 8pm at the weekend and I wouldn't have had enough time for a workout. Why not go for a run or walk when you get home then ya lazy bastard? I hear you say. I can think of plenty of reasons, 1) The cold air exacerbates my asthma. 2) I was falling asleep on the drive home, which tells me I need to rest. 3) Having a break for a day or two will give my muscles time to repair. 4) The break will make me want to exercise even more on Monday.

What is gutting me is that I went to Cafe Nerd and had a double espresso on the way home in anticipation of the workout I was going to be having and now I am sitting on my couch grinding my teeth together like a crazed coke feind. Not knowing what to do next. I hope that I can get some sleep before the damned music from the pub downstairs wakes me up. They have a racket that they call a disco on a Saturday from half ten till two in the morning and I have to be up at half five to go to work. Sheesh.

My annus horribilis or My Pain In The Arse Year.

As we accelerate towards christmas 2010 at a breakneck speed I look in the rear view mirror of life and mutter to myself, "Thank goodness that year is finally over".

In the space of 11 months I have been to three family funerals, the first, in March, being my Mums. I have been diagnosed with depression, high blood pressure, diabetes and asthma.

What the hell is happening to me? I am 46 years old and if I don't do something to change my life now I'll be lucky if I make 50.
I have been prescribed medication for my illnesses and take five tablets in the morning and another two at bed time. The blood pressure meds make my legs swell up, so I have to take diuretics. The diuretics make me constipated and I feel like I have been fingered by Freddy Kruger every time I take a dump. Either that or I have to drink so much water to compensate that I have to take a leak every five minutes (Day and Night).
After a recent bout of chronic Bronchitis I have developed asthma and have to use two lots of inhalers (puffers).
I have been seeing a cognitive behavioural therapist for the last six months about my depression (The black dog) and have learned to ask myself 'What do I really want?' and set myself achievable goals, small steps, to achieve them.
The main thing that I could think of that had a common point was my beefy, blimpy, bulky, burly, elephantine, fat, fleshy, gross, heavy, hefty, large, lusty, obese, overblown, overweight, plump, portly, roly-poly, rotund, stout, tubby, weighty, well padded BODY!!! The cause of all my ills. I am committed to doing something about it.
For the last 28 years I have lived a life of exuberance. Drink, drugs, food, bed. All taken to excess until now it has seriously affected my health.

So 'What do I want to do?' Loose weight.
'How am I going to do it?' Eat less and exercise more.
'What excusess do I usually come up with to put a spanner in the works?' I'm too fat, people will laugh at me in the gym; The gym is too far away; The weather is too bad (I can't possibly exercise in the rain, I'll catch my death); I am too tired; I am too depressed.

'What can I do/Think/Say to counter those arguments?' There are a lot of people fatter than me at the gym/ in the park who are exercising nobody is laughing at them; Go to a gym closer to home; The weather doesn't matter, you'll be inside in the warm; exercise helps to give you more energy when lethargic and sleep better when you go to bed; Exercise releases positive endorphins into your brain and makes you feel happier.
If you loose weight your blood pressure will normalise, your blood sugar will normalise, your asthma may decrease, you will feel better about your body image, your self confidence will improve, you will be irresistible to women. Allright lets not get too carried away.

'What small steps do I need to make to get going with my plan?' Find a gym close to home; Go to the gym and find out prices, times etc; Join gym; Arrange an induction course; Go to gym regularly and work out.

I have accomplished all of the above.

At the induction course I expected to be shown how all the different types of equipment are supposed to be used. Instead of that some guy took my BP and pulse rate (68b/min resting) then asked me about the meds I was on, what I eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner and then proceeded to lecture me about how I must change my life-style or I'll have a stroke in the next four years or so.
I thought "No shit Sherlock what the hell do you think I am doing here".
I must admit that I was getting quite pissed off. He continued telling me in not a very technical or eloquent way how my various 'Systems' were being affected. Heart, breathing, digestive etc. "Goddamn retard" I thought, what cereal box did you get your so called 'Instructor' qualifications from.
I told him I knew all the theory about nutrition and exercise etc I just lacked the drive and motivation to do it. Anyway, he says I only need to do 45 mins of cardio three times a week and he was going to show me how to use the treadmill. What about the cross trainer?, the exercise bikes?, the weights etc? I asked.
"You don't need to use those" he said.
"What a cock", I thought. How can he seriously pretend to be a gym instructor.
However as we continued talking and he explained that as I hadn't exercised for so long and was so out of shape I should start gently and concentrate on losing weight and increasing my fitness levels before throwing myself in headlong and then quickly getting pissed off with it all or doing myself an injury.
"Ok", I thought, I'll give the bloke the benefit of the doubt and just do cardio and swimming for the first couple of months.
I did 30 mins on the treadmill (incline +2, speed 5km/min) and 15mins on the cross trainer (Av HR 130b/min). The treadmill was easy but the cross trainer was hard, I was glad when that was over. When I had finished my legs felt all wobbly, I was sweaty and breathing hard. I carefully walked back down the stairs to the locker room. The locker room is really nice. All wooden lockers that give you your £1 back when you return the key. I didn't use the shower I had one when I came home.

That was in November. Since then I have been to the gym every day except Thursday when I walked/jogged around the local park.

I'll use this blog to keep track of my progress. 

When I started I weighed 121 kg's / 266 lb's / 19 Stones. At present I weigh 104.8 kg's / 231 lb.'s / 16.5 Stones.