Time 42.5mins
Cals 246
Dist 3.41km
AvSp 4.78kph
AvHr 85
Well whodathoughtit? Despite my fear of failure I did it.
The five minute warm up walk as usual followed by a three minute run. No problems there, I'd done that before.
Only 90secs walk to recover though before the dreaded 5min run.
To begin with the inner Daemon, inner Motivator and myself were running along shoulder to shoulder. Two and a half mins in and the inner Daemon started to lag behind as my inner motivator and I raced ahead.
Two and a half minutes walk to recover and then a three minute run.
I was glad when that was over and I could walk again. Time seemed to speed up at this point and the ninety second walk was over in a flash.
I really didn't fancy the next five minute run but was determined to see this thing through.
My inner Daemon had caught me up and was urging me to quit. The first two minutes were difficult but I carried on. Back aching, legs heavy and lungs burning, the finish line in sight. One minute to go Laura said, Daemon, motivator and myself neck and neck. I reached down inside and gathered up all of my remaining strength. I did it. Finished. Puffing and panting like an old cart horse. Popped the finger at my Daemon and did the final five minute cool down walk. Smile on my sweat covered face, glowing with pride at my fortitude.
Rest day tomorrow and believe it or not, looking forward to my next run on Wednesday.
What has been done once can be done again.
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